Not as it seems: Online Impostors

With work-from-home being a reality, a number of businesses/professionals have started to offer their services online. A problem now comes to mind, how sure are you that the person you are consulting or talking to is really licensed to practice the said profession, or worse is that person really the person he is claiming to be?

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Limited Samgyupsal – The Truth About Restaurant Franchises

So after a hearty meal of grilled meat, luscious kimchi, and melted cheese, you decide to open your own unlimited samgyupsal restaurant. You talk with the franchise owner and both of you agree to all the terms and conditions. The next day, a franchise agreement is delivered to your door and you are about to put your signature on the dotted line.

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Of Trademarks and Filipino Humor

Filipinos are known for their wit and humor. Nowhere is this more evident than in the funny and names we give to our businesses which often parody existing brands. The question now is whether the use of said names violate intellectual property laws?

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